Gwyneth Paltrow Reveals She Gets Injectables For Wrinkles, Encourages Women Top Stop Judging Each Other For Their Choices
Though Gwyneth Paltrow knows that her quirky wellness practices can raise eyebrows, she believes that women shouldn't be judging each other based on their choices.
"I think it's important to recognize that when we judge people, it's coming from something un-healed in ourselves and has nothing to do with them," the Goop founder told Shape. "In my 20s, when I was being judged, it'd hurt my feelings. But now I feel compassion and think that they must be in pain."
In particular, there's always been a debate surrounding cosmetic injectables, so given her clean lifestyle, many were surprised to learn that the mother-of-two uses Xeomin, which the magazine described as "a form of botulinum toxin A" that temporarily smooths out fine lines and wrinkles.

"We're aspiring to do the things that make us feel great. Sometimes that's eating really clean. And sometimes that's getting rid of deep lines," she explained of her choice. "A dermatologist I follow on Instagram made the point that no one is going to get some special prize or something on their epitaph for never trying injectables."
"I think of it as a spectrum. We don't have to be or do all one thing," the actress added. "Take my hair. It's frizzy and color-treated and for a long time I had to use some products with silicone and I still use bleach."
On the other hand, Paltrow takes a super-strict approach to eating.
"After a lot of eating and drinking in quarantine, I'm following an anti-inflammatory diet: no sugar, no grains, no alcohol, no fun," she revealed. "But I feel really, really good because of it."

When it comes to her mental health, she credits her daily 20-minute meditation sessions for keeping her cool, calm and collected.
Regardless of anyone's opinions, the Oscar winner just wants women to feel confident in the decision they make for themselves.
"I and many women I know think of ourselves as wellness warriors: we're strong, we're feminists, we eat really clean, we exercise — and we want to age gracefully," the star said. "It's not only about taking care of your health or taking care of your looks. It's the intersectionality of inner and outer beauty, and embracing nutrition, hydration, movement, and topical products to get there."