These symbols will ensure you will have good luck!
Luck of the Irish: What to Do If You Can't Find a Four-Leaf Clover
It’s time to get out your four-leaf clovers for some good luck.
The ancient Irish symbol is believed to help people see fairies and avoid their mischief! The four leaves are supposed to have mystical powers representing faith, hope, love and luck. Another legend has them standing for fame, wealth, health and faithful love. But if you can’t get a four-leaf clover, there are lots of other good luck charms that can give you a little boost of positivity — or help you just have a little fun.
1. Horseshoes

Originally made of iron, most horseshoes these days are made of steel or aluminum. Often seen hanging over the entrance of a home or given to a newlywed couple, they’re thought to bring good luck and protection because mischievous spirits and fairies can’t touch iron.
2. Pennies

Find a penny, pick it up and all day long you’ll have good luck! Everyone agrees on that part, but lots of folks disagree on whether you should pick it up when it’s heads up or heads down.
3. Shooting Star

A falling or shooting star grants the person lucky enough to see it a secret wish. It means you have a chance to make all of your dreams come true.
4. Rabbit's Foot

This charm comes from an old legend that says the left hind foot of a rabbit that is captured in a cemetery at night can ward off evil magic. You don’t have to go for the real thing, though. The fake furries are just as lucky!
5. Elephants

The giant beasts symbolize health, longevity, wealth and virtue. In some cultures elephant figures are placed on shelves and by doorways to ensure luck. Ganesha is a Hindu god of luck. He has an elephant head and is revered as the remover of obstacles.
6. Dice

During World War II, fighter pilots would take along gambling items like cards and dice to give them better odds of coming home from dangerous missions.
7. Ladybugs

These popular insects symbolize luck in countries around the world. Some cultures say if the little red and black cutie lands on you, don’t brush it off and your luck will improve. Others say that if a man and a woman see a ladybug at the same time, they’ll fall in love. Lots of ladybugs in the spring are a sign to farmers that there will be a good harvest.
8. Number 7

This digit has been connected with luck because it has special mathematical properties. The Greeks called 7 “the perfect number,” the sum of 3 (triangle) and 4 (square), which are perfect forms.
9. Dreamcatchers

These come from Native American legends and are said to catch bad dreams in their webs or nets so you wake up luckier than if you carried the nightmare around with you. You can hang one inside a window to keep bad luck outside.