Lyss Stern & Wendy Siegel Goldstein Created Moms Time Out — A Retreat For Moms To Unplug & Re-energize With Yoga, Wine & More
It's safe to say moms need a break after the last few years. Between the pandemic, inflation, alarming headlines, and more, mothers still have to keep their households together by bringing the kids to school, helping them with homework and being on top of their schedules. As a result, Lyss Stern, who founded the DivaMoms networking group years ago and is now pivoting to mental awareness, came up with a great idea.
Stern partnered up with Wendy Siegel Goldstein, owner of Tyler Hill Camp in the Poconos, to create Moms Time Out — a three-day retreat for moms to unplug and re-energize with yoga, wine and s'mores around the campfire.
The trip is easy to make, as it's only two hours from New York City, and the 220-acre setting is perfect for exploring and taking a walk by yourself or with others. During the time, women will share and vent about what they have been dealing with as of late.
“It’s moms, just moms, getting three solid days off for good behavior,” Stern, who is a COVID-long hauler who has dealt with symptoms for over two years, explained. “Mothers’ mental health is in crisis — we’re all on the verge of nervous breakdowns. This is what happens when frazzled, fed up women are let loose in the wild for a long weekend.”

The retreat will run from noon on Friday, May 20, to noon on Sunday, May 22. If you're interested in attending, there's three options for accommodations, including private cabins for your squad.
Be sure to take advantage, as there is a heated pool, private lakes, tennis courts and activity classes, all of which will help you escape from reality for a few days.

It sounds like these women can all use a much-needed break: According to findings from a recent CVS Health survey, the COVID-19 pandemic has amplified levels of stress and anxiety among women. Six in 10 women say the pandemic had a negative impact on their overall levels of stress, and nearly 46 percent say they are experiencing more stress compared to this time last year.
For more information on the retreat, click here.