Why Do So Many Celebrities Struggle With Alcohol And Drug Addiction? Rehab Expert Weighs In
Over the past several years, celebrities have become more candid about their physical and mental health struggles, including alcohol and drug abuse. And while anyone is susceptible to addiction, Martin Preston, the founder and chief executive at private rehab Delamere, explained that there are several reasons as to why celebrities in particular seem to battle these demons the most.
To start, those that live in the spotlight rake in the big bucks, which makes it easier to obtain drugs or alcohol due to their influence or profile. Many stars also attend lavish parties each week — if not more often — that are filled with free booze.
"Having a constant supply of cash can mean that substance overuse drags out for longer than necessary before an individual seeks help for their problem," noted the expert. "This is because they are often able to handle the bills and outgoings for longer than those who do not have the same access to money before it is flagged."

Secondly, their professional failures are constantly on display, which can bring about negative feelings and self-doubt. As Preston put it, "Consistent harsh scrutiny directed at their career or personal life can also accumulate self-confidence issues that can make them more vulnerable to substance misuse as a strategy to cope."
Regardless of their professional highs and lows, Hollywood stars often feel pressure to look their best 24/7, something that's impossible to accomplish, so they may turn to drugs or alcohol to numb themselves from from listening to what others think or say about them.
Lastly, being famous can just be too much to handle for some people, which can result in "an intense feeling of wanting to escape."
"When this becomes an issue, some people make the connection between drugs or alcohol for a temporary feeling of relief," Preston shared. "Unfortunately, this type of relief given to individuals who are struggling can often be a slippery slope towards a dependency that may continue despite knowing the consequences that come with it."
To learn more about alcohol and addiction and how you can get help, click here.