Honesty Hour! Pink Names Her Parenting Strengths & Weaknesses, Admits She Loses Her 'Patience' In The Morning
As a working mom-of-two, Pink admitted that things can sometimes feel "overwhelming," which is why she makes sure to have a laugh or two each and every day as she and hubby Carey Hart raise daughter Willow, 10, and son Jameson, 5.
"Humor has to be a part of everyday life. Life is hard. Some days are harder than others," she told Parents. "Being the person that has to be in charge is not really all that fun. Humor saves our relationships."
In addition to her positive outlook, which the star named as one of her parenting strengths, the "So What" crooner is also proud of how she talks to her tots.
"I explain and communicate to my children as if they are smarter than me. Because they are," she insisted. "They haven't been programmed yet not to feel. They are as smart as you treat them."

On the other hand, the musical artist knows that she still has things to work on. Most notably, her "tone and patience."
"I forget sometimes that I have had 42 years to get tough, to get smart, seasoned, and all the rest," explained the Grammy winner. "They haven't had that kind of time or experience. And thank God. I need to be gentler, I need to show them what deep breaths and pauses look like."
Pink's patience is tested on the regular, as getting the kids ready for school in the morning is never an easy task. "I have never seen two people move slower, or need to be asked to do exactly what they did yesterday, just again," she quipped. "And they're surprised every time!"
Fortunately, once the kids return home for the day, things are more relaxed. "Dinnertime is the one time of day we always come together ... and we say our highs and lows of the day, how school went, what we were up to, and what we are grateful for," she shared. "Gratitude is a big one."

Pink and Jameson in 2019
In the past, the tykes joined the superstar when she toured across the country, and they may do so again the next time she hits the road. Though traveling with kids can be chaotic, the mom has learned how to effectively avoid a catastrophe.
"Rituals work. They matter. You can be anywhere in the world, in a place you like [or] don't like, any time zone ... but if you stick to your rituals, it makes them feel safe," noted the singer. "By rituals I mean, bath time, story time, cuddle time, a song, whatever works."