How to Survive Allergy Season
These five tips will help you curb your symptoms throughout allergy season.
Check Mark

To keep allergies at bay, a good first step is to check your local pollen counts. “You can plan your outside activities accordingly,” point out the experts at Baptist Health Louisville. "Generally, it’s best to go outside just after a downpour because the rain drags airborne pollen particles to the ground. If you have to do yard work, wearing a mask is advised."
Make a Change

"Pollen and other allergens can stick to your clothes when you come in contact with them,” said the allergy experts at Zyrtec. “So, if you’ve been for a summer stroll, or spent some time with a friend’s pet, and notice that your allergy symptoms start to flare up, try changing your clothes as soon as you can."
Close It Off

According to doctors at UC Davis Health: “On days when pollen counts are high, keep your doors and windows closed. Stay inside, especially during afternoons and evenings when pollen levels are highest.” If things get too hot, "cool your home using air-conditioning."
Shower Hour

"If you don’t shower at night, it may be time to consider a switch," says the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. "Rinsing off before bed can wash away allergens that cling to your hair, face and body throughout the day. It will also prevent you transferring pollen to your pillow."
Rinse Out

"Rinsing your nasal passages with saline solution (nasal irrigation) is a quick, inexpensive and effective way to relieve nasal congestion,” says the Mayo Clinic. "Rinsing directly flushes out mucus and allergens from your nose. Saline solutions can be purchased ready-made or as kits to add to water. [For the latter], use bottled water to reduce the risk of infection."