Strategies, Cheating Tactics & More: New Survey Reveals The Habits Of Wordle Players
Unless you live under a rock, you've either played or seen someone else play Wordle, the online game where you have six attempts to guess the five-letter word of the day. What started as a simple way to pass time has turned into a competitive sensation, and a new poll conducted by Solitaired.com looked at just how popular the game has become.
In a survey of 1,087 Wordle players, 54 percent revealed they play the game each and every day, and 27 percent do so "multiple times a week." For many, opening up the game is one of the ways they start their day, with 41 percent of people playing in the morning hours, though about a quarter just play whenever they find the time, since around 75 percent said they can finish the game in under 10 minutes.
A solid 58 percent of players tend to guess the correct word by the fourth try, though 61 percent agree that guessing it in only three attempts is the most impressive. At 95 percent, an overwhelming amount of those surveyed admit they feel a sense of accomplishment when they guess the right word.
Players also like to share their scores with others players, with 26 percent noting that they send friends and family their scores each day, usually through a text message.

When asked what they enjoy most about Wordle, 76 percent said it makes them think, while just 1 percent play out of boredom. Some folks like the competitive aspect of it, which is why they're dead set against cheating, with 48 percent confessing they think less of someone when they do skirt the rules.
According to the survey, 91 percent of those who cheat do so only 1 or 2 times a week, with just 2 percent doing so daily. There are a few ways users can cheat, with the most popular (at 48 percent) being looking up the answer online. Using a word list is the second most popular way to cheat, while 20 percent just ask someone for the word or for a hint.
Though the game was invented in October, The New York Times purchased it at the end of January.